Saturday, March 27, 2010

Section 179

This usually favorable tax incentive will remain at $250,000 for the 2010.

New Hire Credit

Reduction for half of the Social Security Tax:
Social Security Taxes: Employers will not have to pay this tax — which amounts to 6.2% of wages up to $106,800 — for hiring someone after February 3, 2010 and before January 1, 2011. To qualify, the employer will have to certify that each employee they hired was employed for no more than 40 hours in the 60-day period ending on the date that employment begins. This must be verified with a signed affidavit (pending further detail from the IRS). However, there will still need to be withholding for the employee's share of the Social Security tax (which is also 6.2%). The law change will have no impact on an employee's benefits.

Business Tax Credit: For employees that qualify for the HIRE Act, there is an additional $1,000 income tax credit for new-hires that are retained for a minimum of 52 weeks. This credit applies if the wages paid in the last 26 weeks are at least 80% of what they were for the first 26 weeks.